Password Update page for University of KwaZulu-Natal.
@ukzn.ac.za or @stu.ukzn.ac.za accounts only!
Password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length and contain:
a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z] and;
a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z] and;
a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] or;
a minimum of 1 special character.
@ukzn.ac.za or @stu.ukzn.ac.za accounts only!
Password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length and contain:
a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z] and;
a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z] and;
a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] or;
a minimum of 1 special character.
DO NOT share your password with anyone else!
DO set a unique password not containing your name or a previous password.
Students get assistance here. Staff get assistance here.